The Curious

Sunday, August 19, 2012


COINTELPRO, is an acronym which stands for, Counter Intelligence Program.  COINTELPRO is a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.  The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception.  COINTELPRO tactics have been known to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination.  The FBI's stated motivation was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order."

FBI records show that 85% of COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed "subversive," including communist and socialist organizations; organizations and individuals associated with the civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Congress of Racial Equality and other civil rights organizations; black nationalist groups; the American Indian Movement; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society and the Weathermen; almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, as well as individual student demonstrators with no group affiliation; the National Lawyers Guild; organizations and individuals associated with the women's rights movement; nationalist groups such as those seeking independence for Puerto Rico, United Ireland, and Cuban exile movements including Orlando Bosch's Cuban Power and the Cuban Nationalist Movement; and additional notable Americans—even Albert Einstein, who was a member of several civil rights groups, came under FBI surveillance during the years just prior to COINTELPRO's official inauguration.  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directives governing COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders.

The program was successfully kept secret until 1971, when the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI burglarized an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, took several dossiers, and exposed the program by passing this information to news agencies. Many news organizations initially refused to publish the information. Within the year, Director Hoover declared that the centralized COINTELPRO was over, and that all future counterintelligence operations would be handled on a case-by-case basis...Meaning that COINTELPRO was not actually "over", it was just now to be used as a more direct targeting weapon, and not indiscriminately as it had been.

According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:
  1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.
  2. Psychological warfare: The FBI and police used myriad "dirty tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists.
  3. Legal harassment: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, "investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.
  4. Illegal force: The FBI conspired with local police departments to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations.  The object was to frighten, or eliminate, dissidents and disrupt their movements

(Body of Fred Hampton, national spokesman for the Black Panther Party, who was killed by members of the Chicago Police Department, as part of a COINTELPRO operation.)

A small list of others targeted by the FBI and it's COINTELPRO project:

 Muhammad Ali
 American Indian Movement
 Fred Hampton
 Abbie Hoffman
 Black Panther Party
 Stokely Carmichael
 Huey P. Newton
 Nation of Islam
 Malcolm X
 John Lennon
 Martin Luther King, Jr.

 It should be noted that while the COINTELPRO project did indeed seek to " expose, disrupt, misdirect, or otherwise neutralize" all kinds of both political and social movements, as well as individuals, only a tiny bit a research is needed to confirm that the majority of the FBI's targets were those organizations and individuals which were of African American heritage.  The United States Government was looking to make sure that African Americans maintained the role of "second class citizens" as said government believed these people to be.

(Failed FBI COINTELPRO fraudulent "news story" to discredit Martin Luther King Jr.)

The link below will bring you to a report on the FBI's covert action program to destroy the Black Panter Party.

The next link, which is below, is to a PDF of declassified FBI documents to "discredit" the black community.

 The following is a documentary on COINTELPRO projects aimed against African Americans

...And another 6 part documentary, again, dealing with COINTELPRO projects aimed at the African American community...

 (part 1)

(part 2)

 (part 3)

(part 4)

(part 5)

(part 6)

Jonestown...a CIA mind control experiment?

(Jim Jones)

Jim Jones founded The Peoples Temple in 1955, headquartered in San Francisco, California.  The Temple drew poor people, social activists, Blacks and Hispanics, young and old. The message was racial harmony and justice, and criticism of the hypocrisy of the world around his followers.  The People's Temple members were subjects of local scandal in the news.  Jim Jones claimed these exposes were attacks on their newly-found religion, and used them as an excuse to move most of the members to Guyana, and in 1974 The Peoples Temple sign an land lease in Guyana and the temple was relocated.

The official record of the Jonestown massacre reads as follows...Disturbing reports continued to surround Jones and The Peoples Temple.  Those reports came to the attention of congressional members like Leo Ryan. Stories of beatings, kidnapping, sexual abuse and mysterious deaths leaked out in the press and Ryan decided to go to Guyana and investigate the situation for himself.  On November 18, 1978, 913 men, women, and children supposedly drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid in a mass suicide. They were said to be a part of the "brainwashed cult" of Reverend Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple.  Congressman Leo Ryan and four others flew into Guyana to investigate whether or not US citizens were being abused or held against their will at Jonestown, and they were shot dead by Peoples Temple security forces before their plane could leave, and supposedly, that is that.

(Jim Jones)

(Ariel shot of dead temple members)

(Scene of Leo Ryan's ambush)

However there is more than meets the eye here.  Leo Ryan's aide William Holsinger had been investigating complaints of a concerned relatives group in 1978 in regard to Peoples Temple members, and the night in which Ryan was murdered and the "mass suicide" took place, he received a phone call from an unidentified man who said "your meal-ticket just had his brains blown out." Holsinger later said "whether there was some broader conspiracy and what it might have consisted of, are matters I have determined to leave to future generations."  When the deceased were first discovered, the body count started out around 200, then the next day's papers reported 363, and it eventually escalated to 913. The official word was that adult bodies had been on top of kids, so apparently 500 bodies were hidden under the first 363....?  Though, that contradicts what was reported by the very first medical doctor on the scene.  Dr. Leslie Mootoo Guyana's chief medical examiner reported that the first 83 bodies to be recovered were those of children.  All it took was a cursory glance around the compound to know that there were vastly more corpses then 200 or even 363.

Dr. Leslie Mootoo, Guyana's chief medical examiner and the first forensic specialist on the scene examined the bodies within the first few days and took specimens. His conclusion was that at least 700 of the cases, it wasn't suicide, but homicide.  He was even quoted as such in the New York Times, 12/17/1978.  He observed puncture wounds on the shoulders of many victims, so maybe they were held down and forcefully injected with poison against their will? He also found cyanide in bottles labeled Valium, which probably meant that what some members of the temple thought they were taking was a tranquilizer, not a deadly poison.  Dr. Mootoo did find evidence of cyanide in most of the victims stomachs, and passed his samples along to a representative of the American Embassy in the Guyanese capital of Georgetown expecting them to be forwarded to American forensic pathologists, except they disappeared.

(Dr. Mootoo and his wife)

 A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine seven months later found six leading medical examiners describing the handling of the bodies by the US military and others as "inept", "incompetent", "embarrassing", and so on, with only circumstantial evidence of "probably cyanide poisoning".   It also added that only 1/3 of the bodies could be positively identified, and that a medico-legal autopsy should have been performed on each one.  It turns out that only seven bodies were autopsied, and not until a month after they were embalmed!

Some images show victims wearing ID bracelets, but these also vanished somewhere between Jonestown and the US air base where the bodies got shipped. The order to remove the medical tags is said to have come from the National Security Council's staff coordinator for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, Robert Pastor.

 (Transport of temple members bodies by U.S Military)

Shortly after the massacre became public, a psychiatrist named Dr. Hardhat Sukhdeo came to Georgetown to talk with the survivors. There were 33 of them, and most of them ran off into the jungle. He called Jim Jones "a genius of mind control, a master". This quote was widely used in the press and framed the official Jonestown story. Sukhdeo later admitted that his trip had been paid for by the State Department, and when he returned he met privately with FBI agents. Did he debrief the Jonestown survivors on behalf of the government, trying to find out what they might have seen? And why were Dr. Mootoo's conclusions ignored by the media, while Dr. Sukhdeo's speculation was praised?

 It's also interesting that "virtually every survivor of the Jonestown massacre was eventually treated" at the Langley-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco, where Jones himself had once been under psychiatric care.  Despite attempts to obtain Jones' medical file, it's never been released. Lots of the research done at Langley-Porter happens to be classified, much of it by the Defense Department's Advanced Research Project Agency.  Some of this research involves the effect of electromagnetic fields on human beings, and behavior-modification techniques including hypnosis-from-a-distance.

Before his unfortunate trip to Jonestown, Congressman Ryan had been making a name for himself as a government watchdog. One amendment that he sponsored required the CIA to get congressional approval before it could undertake any covert acvitity. After stories of MK Ultra had surfaced, Ryan wrote a letter to the CIA "requesting confirmation or denial of the fact of CIA experiments using prisoners at the California medical facitlity at Vacaville", from which Jones was reportedly getting members of his church as part of a rehab program.  Ryan wrote that he was especially interested ina former inmate Donald "Cinque" DeFreeze. The CIA responded that yes, it had sponsored tests on some volunteer inmates at Vacaville, but not involving DeFreeze, "in so far as our records reflect the names of participants." . Of course most MK-ULTRA records had already been destroyed. A month after this correspondence, Ryan ended up dead on the tarmac in Guyana.
 One of Jones' boyhood friends was Dan Mitrione, later an FBI agent and full-time spook operating undercover with the Agency For International Development. They both grew up together in Lynn, Indiana and remained friends though life.  Mitrione trained Latin American cops in interrogation techniques that included the use of torture and drugs. Jones admitted to staying friends with Mitrione, and even referred to him several times in taped speeches at Jonestown.

(Dan Mitrione)

After the Jonestown massacre, the CIA claimed that its file on "the Rev. Jimmie Jones" was almost empty. But actually, the CIA's Office of Security had opened a 201 file on Jones in the early 1960's, when he took off for Rio De Janeiro. Agency records showed that file stayed open for ten years, only being closed for no explained reason after Mitrione was killed. It's possible that Mitrione recruited jones into the CIA, using the State Department as his cover.
 An autopsy on Jones body concluded that he didn't take poison, but had killed himself with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head, but the pistol was found 200 ft from his body. Other researchers think the body identified as Jones couldn't have been him, because it didn't match his essential physical characteristics. One said that "photos of his body do not show identifying tattoos on his chest. The body and face are clearly not recognizable due to bloating and discoloration. The FBI reportedly checked his fingerprints twice, a seemingly futile gesture since it is a precise operation. A more logical route would have been to check dental records."
Here's what Congressman Ryan's  friend Joe Holsinger once wrote about Jonestown...
 "The more I investigate the mysteries of Jonestown, the more I am convinced there is something sinister behind it all. There is no doubt in my mind that Jones had very close CIA connections. At the time of the tragedy, the Temple had three boats in the water off Brazil. The boats disappeared shortly afterwards. Remember, Brazil is a country that Jones is very familiar with. He is supposed to have money there. And it is not too far from Guyana. My own feeling is that Jones was ambushed by CIA agents who then disappeared in the boats. But the whole story is so mind-boggling that I'm willing to concede he escaped with them."
A two part Documentary on Jonestown/CIA

(part 1)

(part 2)

For further reading on Jonestown, and it's connection to a CIA MK Ultra mind control experiment check the link provided below.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

MK Ultra (Mind Control)

Project MK Ultra

Project MK Ultra, was/is a covert, illegal human research program into behavioral modification run by the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and finally halted in 1973. That is according to the CIA, though there are numerous CIA agents and government officials who contend that MK Ultra is still very much alive and well, the program has just gone "underground", where it was always intended to be, out of reach of the prying eyes of the public and main stream media.  As is the nature with all things CIA, it is to be "covert".

The program used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.    MK Ultra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people's individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

The research was undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA would operate through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions would be aware of the CIA's involvement. MK Ultra was allocated 6 percent of total CIA funds

Project MK Ultra was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK Ultra files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms' destruction order.

In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MK Ultra, which led to Senate hearings later that same year. In July 2001 most surviving information regarding MK Ultra was officially declassified.

(Below: Various declassified pages of a MK Ultra Document obtained via The Freedom of Information Act)

(Full MK Ultra Documentary)

(Below is a link to, wherein if you are so curious, you will find a vast archive of all things mind control...Enjoy ; )

The Battle of Los Angeles

Feb, 25th 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid. 

Air raid sirens sounded throughout Los Angeles County on the night of 24–25 February 1942. A total blackout was ordered and thousands of air raid wardens were summoned to their positions. At 3:16 am the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade began firing 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells into the air at reported aircraft; over 1,400 shells would eventually be fired. Pilots of the 4th Interceptor Command were alerted but their aircraft remained grounded. The artillery fire continued sporadically until 4:14 am The "all clear" was sounded and the blackout order lifted at 7:21 am

 In addition to several buildings damaged by friendly fire, three civilians were killed by the anti-aircraft fire, and another three died of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour-long bombardment. The incident was front-page news along the U.S. Pacific coast, and earned some mass media coverage throughout the nation.  Out of all the shells fired that night, whatever was flying over Los Angeles did not crash down out of the sky.  No confirmation of hits were reported.  As shown by the photograph taken during the "raid", there is indeed a visible "airborn craft" under spotlights.

(Los Angeles Times, 26 February 1942)

(L.A. Air Raid on Ancient Aliens)

Further reading can be done by clicking the link below.

The Hidden History of The Human Race

The Hidden History of The Human Race with Klaus Dona

Klaus Dona, a researcher and archeologist who deals in antiquities that do not fit into any known pre-existing culture.  Check it out!  Some truly amazing discoveries which only adds more questions about our "known" history.

(Klaus Dona presents artifacts)